Hades, the god who governs in Tartarus or World of the Dead-Core kidnaps Persephone, daughter of Demeter spring when she was gathering flowers in the fields accompanied by an entourage of nymphs to be his wife by force.
In the stories highlighting the pain of Demeter, the goddess of the fertile earth to the disappearance of her daughter and her desperate search. She leaves Mount Olympus, home of the gods and begins to search for Core for nine days and nights, without eating or drinking. Accompanies her pilgrimage in Hecate, the goddess of the crossroads (or Crone to the Maiden and the Mother Goddess as the pre-patriarchal Triple). Demeter wears black in mourning, transforming its beauty and splendor of the divine in the image of a human mother in anguish.
In his pilgrimage came to the house of Queen Metaneira at Eleusis and is taken as Demophoon nurse, youngest son of the queen. In gratitude for the hospitality Demeter decided to make the child immortal putting it in the sacred fire. But the frightened queen interrupts the process and the Goddess reveals his true identity is giving directions to build their temple at Eleusis where they carry out their sacred mysteries. In addition, delivery to Triptolemus, another son of the queen, a chariot drawn by snakes and spread the seeds for one of his greatest gifts: agriculture. The young prince had been informed about the abduction of Demeter Core witnessed by his brothers who saw the land was opened to let in a chariot drawn by black horses. The driver's face was invisible, and with his right arm held tightly to a girl screaming.
With this information, go to Demeter and Hecate Helios, the sun god "all-seeing" to support to them who is the kidnapper. Helios confirms the suspected Demeter Hades, Zeus' brother is the kidnapper of Core. Demeter is so outraged that no longer sustain life, preventing flourish on earth.
Zeus sent gifts and messages to Demeter to give up her attitude and accept the fact, that is his will and his brother. But she says that the land will remain sterile until the core is returned. Zeus then ordered his brother to return to Core, saying that if he did not "we are all finished." It also replied to Demeter that her daughter would be refunded as long as you have not tasted the food of the dead.
Meanwhile, in Tartarus, Core cries constantly, refusing to eat or drink the food that gives Hades. Hiding his anger at the news received from his brother, Hades Core approaches and tells him that he would release because he sees that his mother is unhappy and crying for her. Core then stop mourn and accept the seeds of a pomegranate that Hades offered. Finally, in Eleusis, Demeter is reunited with her daughter holding her full of joy. But eyewitness reports on the grenade and Demeter was very disappointed to know that Core had eaten in the world of the dead is now linked to Hades. Then he said: "Never again to Olympus or rescind my curse on the earth."
Rea urged desperate Zeus, mother of Hades, Demeter, Zeus and other Olympian gods, to beg to Demeter not carry out his threat. The final agreement is reached: Core-Persephone will spend three months with Hades in Tartarus and the rest of the year with Demeter on the face of the earth. Hecate will personally Core protection offered as collateral to make the covenant is fulfilled