jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010


-27 A.C. / 14 d.C.

Once we achieve mastery over the Roman world by the year -30, Octavio worried about the stabilization of state after decades of civil war. January 16 -27, the Senate awarded him the title "Augustus", the name was better known than later. The assumption of that title by his successors the status meant that imperialism was transferred to them. Augustus was wise and learned to understand the mentality of his contemporaries, which helped it succeed in establishing a personal dictatorship (benevolent here) without losing the republican forms, and to put an end to anarchy and contributed to general welfare.
Most of his reign was focused on reform programs of the empire that lasted for centuries. Included within these programs there was a currency reform in which the gold Aureo became a normal part of the monetary system, and a broad base of names of bronze and silver coins were reintroduced for the first time. Public works were carried out on a large scale and Augustus himself boasted of having "found Rome of brick and turning her into marble." Augustus had no sons. Finding great difficulty to designate the heir to the empire, appointed as such to their grandchildren Gaius and Lucius, sons of his only daughter Julia and Agrippa, but the latter died prematurely, like Agrippa, so that the succession was finally settled in Tiberius ( Julia's last wife and child from first marriage to his wife), person who did not see anything, but finally adopted because of the important influence of Livia, whose plots are attributed, with good reason, the deaths of previous candidates. Year 14, Augustus died at the age of 67 years, twenty years after his victory over Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium. After his death, the senate deified her, and her cult, thereafter associated with that of Rome became the religious bond of the whole empire.

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