viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010



ß hours.

The day was divided into twelve hours (first hour, secunda, tertia, etc.). From sunrise to sunset. Therefore, the hours were longest in summer than in winter.

The night was divided into four shifts of sailing (raw waking secunda, tertia, etc.). From sunset to sunrise. Therefore, Vigiliae were longer in winter than in summer.

The end of the sixth hour and start the seventh coincided with lunch (Meridia). The transition from second to third vigil coincided with midnight (mean nox).

The Romans rose early: he was being lazy with the sun rise (around 4'30 pm in summer, and 7'30 pm in winter), slept like a sunset. As the sun begins salutatio lasts until the second or third hour. The rest of the morning is devoted to business, public or private. Lunch (prandium) occurs at noon, The nap lasted until the eighth hour (between one and a half and two in the afternoon). Every eight days the Romans take a bath, the rich in their own homes, others in public bathrooms, where you had to pay an entrance, Dinner is the main meal of the day and started ninth or tenth time (on the three pm). The dinner menu consisted of three parts:

- TICKETS (gustatio): eggs, salad, lettuce, cabbage, kale, turnips, artichokes, asparagus, olives, mushrooms, oysters.

DISHES (raw meal, alter dinner, dinner tertia
) is much appreciated fish, especially catfish, the moray eel, turbot, sea lion. Meat, especially
pork, but also ducks, chickens, sheep, goat, hare, etc.., all with salt, vinegar, many strong herbs, cinnamon, parsley.

- APPETIZERS AND DESSERTS: pastries, cakes, fruit, jam, whipped cream, ice cream.

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